Applied technology evaluation services
Distributed Generation/CHP Integrated Data System
To help the state measure progress toward the goal and evaluate the performance of distributed energy systems, Frontier Energy has collected and analyzed data from DER and CHP systems for NYSERDA since 2005.
DERs play a vital role in supporting New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) that mandates at least 70% of New York’s electricity come from renewable energy sources by 2030 and that the state’s power system is 100% carbon neutral by 2040. To help the state measure progress toward the goal and evaluate the performance of distributed energy systems, Frontier Energy has collected and analyzed data from DER and CHP systems for NYSERDA since 2005. Our system collects generation data from nearly 500 distributed generation sites each night and displays the data on a public-facing website at der.nyserda.ny.gov. On average, 50 people a day access the data.
Frontier Energy:
- Designed and programmed a back-end database for data uploads from participating DEG systems.
- Installed data loggers and transmitters at each DEG site and continuously adds new DEG sites.
- Collects hourly energy output and ambient temperature at each site, which is uploaded to the database nightly.
- Performs automatic data analysis and QA/QC spot checks; reconciles reasons for data irregularities.
- Designed, developed, manages, and updates the der.nyserda.ny.gov website.
Project Team

Adam Walburger